This Page answers 3 essential questions:

What is homeschooling?

Why do we homeschool?

How do you homeschool?
(Methods of)


What is homeschooling?

Well, as you probably already know, homeschooling is when we decide to raise our children, without institutionalizing them in a school. Institutionalizing may sound offensive, and extreme to many. But we turn you to Webster's dictionary's decision.

Why do we homeschool?

For many different reasons. Below, are just some of the reasons why families have chosen to homeschool.

  • "We want our children raised on the solid foundation of our faith and beliefs. we feel guided by our Lord to homeschool in this way."
  • "We aren't happy with the public school system. "
  • "We want to raise our children, not someone else. "
  • "We want our children to eat when hungry, and go to the bathroom when they need to."
  • "We aren't happy with the education our child was getting in school."
  • "We don't like the type of socialization that occurs in schools."
  • "We weren't happy with our child's experience in school."
  • "We prefer to raise and teach our child in a family setting."

How do you homeschool?
(Methods of Homeschooling)

There are many different methodologies. For example:

  • Home Schooling
    (School in the home = textbooks, desk, dress for school, etc.)
  • Home Education
    (a little more relaxed than "Home Schooling")
  • Relaxed Home Schooling
    (a term coined by some Christian homeschoolers. It is a mix between Home Educating and Unschooling)
  • Unschooling
    (you chuck the textbooks, focus on child's interests, and child learning revolves around interests and lots of activity focuses).

There is much variation in how the above terms are used. "Home Education", is often an all-around term. Some "Unschoolers" do use textbooks as resources, and/or as their child likes to use them. The above is just to give you an idea of some of the different types of families you'll be meeting.